5 Signs You Have a Squirrel Problem in Your Home

Squirrels are cute and entertaining when they are in the park or their natural habitat, but they can be quite a nuisance when they invade your homes and cause damage. Squirrel infestations are more common than you might think and can cause severe damage to your home over time if left unaddressed. Here are five signs to look for if you suspect squirrels living inside your house.

1. Strange Noises in the Attic

If you have an attic, keep an ear out for noise. One of the most apparent signs of a squirrel infestation is strange noises emanating from your attic. Squirrels are very active during the day and often scamper around or dig up areas to make a nest. If you hear loud sounds above your house or a chittering noise, it could indicate that you have an active squirrel nest in your attic.

2. Chew Marks

Squirrels have sharp teeth, and they use them to gnaw on anything they can find, including wood, insulation, and electrical wiring. However, chewing on these materials could create a potential danger to your home. For example, gnawed wiring could short-circuit and create a fire hazard. If you notice chew marks on items in your home or on structural components of your house, it is likely that you have squirrels. You’ll want to get rid of them before they cause extensive damage.

3. Foul Odor

Squirrels are messy creatures, and their nesting habits can produce an unpleasant odor. Squirrels use waste products, such as urine and feces, to mark their territory from other squirrels. If you smell a bad odor in your attic or other areas of your home, it’s a sign that you might have a squirrel infestation.

4. Visible Damage to Your Property

Squirrels are well-known for their ability to destroy anything they can get their teeth and claws on. If squirrels invade your house, it won’t be long before they start tearing up walls, insulation, furniture, and everything else. If you notice visible damage, it’s a sign that you need to start looking for squirrel control methods.

5. Visible Squirrel Activity

Finally, if you see squirrels running in and out of your home or on your property, it’s evident that you have a squirrel problem. If you notice lots of squirrels around your home, it’s time to take action to prevent them from nesting and causing further damage.

A squirrel infestation in your home can be quite detrimental to your property. Squirrels can damage your property, create nasty smells, and chew up wiring and insulation. If you notice any of these signs in your home, consider calling in a pest control service. They can identify what kind of rodent is living in your home and employ methods to remove them.

For more information, contact a pest control company near you.
