Top Problems Caused By Rodents

Have you spotted droppings on your kitchen floor, grease marks inside your cabinets, or a foul smell? If yes, you could be a victim of a rodent infestation in your home. You may not see any rodents running or hiding around as they are excellent at making hideouts. Therefore, it would be best if you took caution to eradicate them before they have you counting losses. Here are some notable problems that rodents may cause in your home and reasons you may need residential pest control.

Home Destruction

Rodents destroy anything they encounter, including your clothes, shoes, or favorite reads. They chew on anything they can put their hands on with their chiseled teeth. So, you can expect the worst if you fail to inspect your home frequently for rodent infestation. For instance, some rodents reside on the roof and are known to make holes and rip off roofs. Ultimately, this can lead to a leaking roof, mold formation, and other roof issues. In addition, rodents like rats and mice can chew through electrical wires, which is hazardous.

Increased Risk of Other Insects and Pests Infestation

Once rodents make an opening in your wall, they pave the way for other insects to invade your home. For instance, spiders and roaches may find their way inside and cause more destruction. You should contact a pest control company near you for eradication services.

Contamination And Risks of Ailments

Rodents can quickly spread diseases that could leave you bedridden or even dead. They can contaminate surfaces and food they come across by spreading dirt and germs. This will cause infections in the long run. Generally, consuming contaminated water or food is one way of getting diseases such as plague and leptospirosis. Besides, you are likely to fall sick by getting into contact with rodent urine and feces. Therefore, ensure your home is free of these tiny but dangerous animals to prevent ailments. You can do this by disinfecting the surfaces to remove the dirt and prevent diseases from spreading. Also, reach out to a professional rodent exterminator and have them inspect your home and advise accordingly.

Rodents can be annoying once they invade your home. Besides the risks of infections, their movements, squeaking, and chewing can make sleeping unbearable. Typically, they operate best during the night. Thus, it is prudent to watch out for any signs of rodent infestation and get rid of them as soon as possible. Hire a professional residential pest control company and live rodent-free.

For more information about residential pest control, contact a local company.
