What You Can Do To Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are a pest that can chew through moist and damaged wood, leaving nothing but sawdust in their wake. These pests will chew tunnels through the wood and not care at all where the wood is coming from. Whether it's a main beam or a stud in your walls, these pests do not care. Carpenter ants are attracted to moist wood and they use it for their nesting and to find food to eat. They will look for dead pests to feed off of to eat. Read on for helpful information on what you can do to get rid of carpenter ants.

Spray The Rotting Wood

Find the rotten wood and spray it thoroughly to kill the pests that are infesting the wood. Spray the wood with a pesticide spray that is made to kill carpenter ants. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to apply the pesticide and how much you should use. Spray as much of the wood as you can get to. Repeat as needed.

Remove The Rotting Wood

The rotten wood is going to need to be removed in order to prevent these pests from invading your home further or again. The rotten wood should also be removed because the wood may not be supportive of your home any longer. The rotten wood may also attract other pests such as termites, and you'll have other pests to contend with.

Repair What Caused The Moisture Problem

You're going to need to repair whatever it was that caused the moisture problem in the first place. Moisture around your foundation can be caused by a number of different issues, including not having any gutters or having improper drainage around your home. Water damage around foundations or around windows and doors can attract carpenter ants, so repair whatever it was that caused the moisture issue.

Hire A Professional

Hire a professional pest control company to help you take care of this pest problem for you. Carpenter ants can be difficult to remove from your home, especially if you cannot find where they are in your home. A pest control company can help you find where these pests are located and help to get rid of them.

If you have carpenter ants, or you have found damage to the wood around your home, you should hire a pest control company to exterminate them for you and to help prevent them from ever coming back.

Contact a residential pest control company for more information. 
