Go Away And Stay Away! 4 Ways To Get Fleas Out Of Your Home

If your dog has brought unwanted guests into your home, it's time to get tough. As soon as you find fleas in your home, you have to act fast. Once they've infested your home and built nests, they can be difficult to get rid of. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to prevent the infestation from occurring. Here are four methods you can use to get rid of the unwanted guests and keep them away.

Vacuum Away

As soon as you find the first flea in your home, you need to take a proactive approach to flea control. Start vacuuming your home once a day until you no longer see any signs of flea activity. Pay close attention to the areas around your dog's bed and along the baseboards. It's also a good idea to vacuum your upholstered furniture, as well as your beds, at least once a week.


Fleas need hiding places. They prefer dark spaces, such as boxes and debris. If your home is cluttered, you should work to remove as much of the clutter as possible. It's particularly important that you clear boxes and papers out of your home. If you have an indoor laundry room, pick clothes up off the floor and place them in laundry buckets. This will remove the easy-access hiding places where you might find fleas.

Set a Trap

During the night, fleas are attracted to light. One way to get rid of fleas is to set a trap that utilizes light. Before you to bed at night, plug in a night light. Place a small pan of water on the floor near the light – a pie pan will work well. Fleas will jump towards the light and end up in the pan of water instead. In the morning, take the pan outside and empty the water in the garden. Repeat the process each night until you no longer find fleas in the water.

Hire an Exterminator

If you've tried everything, and you've still got a problem with fleas, it might be time to hire a flea exterminator. Fleas can infest a home and get down into the carpet and lay eggs. When that happens, you're going to need pesticides to kill the fleas and their eggs.

If you've got fleas, you need to get rid of them. The tips provided here will help you get rid of the pests so you can have your home back. For tips on how to keep fleas out of your home, be sure to speak to your exterminator. 
