Avoiding An Insect Invasion Due To Firewood Usage

When cool weather arrives, many homeowners use a wood stove or fireplace to aid in the warming of their home. But with the usage of firewood comes the risk of an insect infestation. Here are some tips you can use when using firewood in an attempt to keep harbored insects from becoming a nuisance to your property.

Avoid Getting Firewood From Outside Areas

It is best to obtain wood from an area in your current locale. If you transport wood from a different area, you risk bringing along insects not used to your habitat. These in turn could cause problems to your land if the insects crawl away from the logs you are storing. Some states have laws in place restricting the transport of wood from other areas as well.

Create An Appropriate Outdoor Storage Spot

Do not store firewood inside your home. It is better to keep it outdoors until it is ready to be used. Make a spot for your wood storage in a spot far enough from your home that insects will not be likely to crawl or fly toward your living quarters. Wood should also be lifted off of the ground so insects are not as apt to make the pile their home.

Place several cinder blocks in the allotted storage area. Then lay a few boards on top of the blocks to help make a flooring structure for logs to rest upon. This will aid in keeping wood from ground moisture, which is an attraction to many insects.

Use A Rotating Method To Keep Stock Current

When burning wood logs, it is a good idea to use the pieces that have been in your stockpile the longest first. Older wood is prime for insect intrusions as it is usually decayed enough for insects to make their way under the bark and into holes or cracks. If you treat your wood pile in the same manner as perishable food products, using older stock before newer pieces, insects are less likely to make a permanent home in the supply you own.

Inspect Wood Before Bringing It Into Your Home

When you need to burn a piece of firewood, take the time to inspect it thoroughly before bringing it into your home. Thump the wood log on the ground on a piece of cement or stone to jar loose any insects that may be hiding. If you notice any that fell from the log, quickly pick them up by hand and place them in a jar to dispose of in an area far from your home at a later date. 

For more tips, or assistance if you accidentally brought insects into your home from firewood, talk with your local pest control services who will be able to find and exterminate any unwanted insects.
